Friday, June 3, 2011

Memorial the ER

Memorial day is usually the kick off to summer...but for us it was a kick off of a different sort.

On Saturday the 28th Anna said she felt like her eyes weren't focusing and she felt really 'wired' almost like she was buzzing. That's not good, so we called the doctor on-call and they asked a variety of questions which ended in the suggestion "Well, since we can't see her in front of us right now we suggest you go to the ER". This wasn't what we wanted to hear but away we went. Thankfully Sarah was only a phone call away and came right up to Bountiful to watch Daphne & Ryker.
We checked into the ER around 12:00 and started the process of elimination. The nurse took her vitals and did a quick assessment and said she looked dehydrated. Soon the doctor came in and asked more detailed questions about her symptoms and said "Well given that you have just started chemo and your vision is changing we have to suspect that there maybe lesions of some sort on the brain, so I am going to order an MRI". Because it was a weekend they needed to call in the MRI Tech to come in and run the machine. It took about an hour and a half for the Tech to get to the hospital and then they took her for a brain MRI. Our nerves weren't the best as Anna wasn't feeling good and this new possible development was thrown into the mix. It was a long three hours. Eventually the doctor came in and said there were no lesions on the brain and that everything looked okay. The really annoying part was when he eventually said 'We're not sure what is causing the blurry vision, we think it might be one of the medications prescribed, but you will need to talk to your oncologist about it at your next appointment'. We checked out of the hospital around 5:00 and went home. We were both very tired, relieved, and a little perplexed at what the blurry vision could mean for Anna. That night Anna went to bed around 7:00 completely exhausted from a trying day.

However, since the visit Anna has steadily improved day-by-day and is feeling more hopeful about the next chemo treatment. In talking with the doctors and nurses we feel like we have identified the problem as one of the steroids they had prescribed her and are confident we can put this behind us.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are still feeling better and your doctor visit helped you get some explanations. Think about you often!:)
