Saturday, August 25, 2012

Life Marches On

This is a movie we made to show at the race for the cure luncheon.  It's a little lengthy...but in my opinion worth the watch.


  1. Way to go Ben! Not going to lie shed a few tears! So glad everyone is on the up and up. It was a lot of fun to see you all. Charlie walked in the room while I was watching this and he immediately said, "ANNA"! It's true my kids love their Anna:)

  2. That was a great video. So glad that your husband was able to put this together. I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful support system and had the strength to make it through the door called cancer.

  3. This movie was touching- what a beautiful family! You are a strength to us through your courageous battle. We love and miss the Farmers!

  4. Very touching video, thanks for sharing! You guys are great!
