Friday, June 3, 2011

Your support has been felt

We feel that it is appropriate to share a little bit of the emotional aspect of this experience and the love and support we have felt from family and friends.

We have been on an emotional roller coaster. At the start we felt like we had accepted the idea of Anna having cancer, despite her young age, we felt like we had accepted the idea of the next year being a HUGE challenge, we felt like we had accepted that we would need to allow a lot of support from those who care about us, we felt like we could take it; we were ready.

We were surprised by the variety and degree of the challenges that have come our way. It seemed at times that the challenge was of a mental/emotional nature, while others were definitely physically trying. We have felt the strength and prays of you all. We know that we have been blessed to have such great people in our lives to pray in our behalf and ask for our Heavenly Father to watch over us. We have felt His peace and strength during these challenging times. We pray for His continued support and love.


  1. Anna- I think of you often and pray things go as smoothly as possible!

  2. We love you guys! If you ever need a babysitter (for chemo, date night, or just rest) give me a call. The kids always love having someone else to play with :)

  3. When we had a fast for our first baby when they found the tumor in his chest we woke up the morning of the fast and could FEEL the love and the energy of all our family and friends. It was humbling and wonderful!!

    Love you bunches!

  4. If you ever need someone to talk to that understands, my friend Rachel Klis just went through radiation and chemo for lymphoma at the age of 21 last year. I told her about you and she would love to help in someway if she can. We love you! We are praying you and your doctors will be inspired to know what you need to know. Let me know if you want to chat with Rachel Klis.

  5. You guys are the bomb dot com! We hope everything continues to go well!

  6. Reading about your courage and faith has been such a blessing to me. I think of you so much, Anna and lots of times my eyes just kinda fill up with tears because I would love to sit and visit with you and of course...drink a Slurpee with you. I miss you. I pray for you and your sweet fam. Thanks for your amazing example of faith. Love yer buns, Jes
